What if?

I never used to be like this.

I’d wake up anxious, ruled by the ‘what ifs’ of the day ahead and what to do to defend against consequences of the yet unknown.

It’s a miracle how things have changed.

For these many years since I first acquiesced to the fact I’m not in charge, my first waking thoughts are now less ‘what if?’ and a lot more ‘maybe today!’

What a hopeful difference it offers to my morning outlook.

I’m not sure exactly when I pivoted from viewing time and unfolding experience as the enemy instead of my comrade and frankly, I don’t wonder much about it anymore since the view is so much better looking at life as a heavenly menu of possibilities versus dodging the anxious unknowns.

But at some divine moment, anxiety turned away to reveal anticipation, its friendlier counterpart. And mornings haven’t been the same since.

Looking expectantly to the day’s unexpected revelations sure beats blind strategizing against them as foreboding enemies.

There’s an untapped power in ‘maybe today’ thinking and a good morning is what you make of it.

Try plugging into the power of expectancy and today might just be yours for the taking.