The weakest link.

You will not certainly die, the serpent said to the woman.

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We were created without an expiration date.

Death is the consequence of disobedience and disobedience is the consequence of sin.

Choosing to place trust in anyone or anything other than our creator, no matter how persuasive or appealing to our senses or curiosities, isn’t apt to end well.

The enemy strikes at our weakest links to God.

This may explain why those who acknowledge no links to God are so easily led by lies and falsehoods to any place of service like pawns in the enemy’s end game.

To whose voice do you attend?

Deception is always a challenge of truth motivated by evil intent.

This first account marked the origin of sin and its ugly stepsister, consequence.

Mistrust and disbelief were the key concerns way back in the garden, just as they are today in our decision to trust and believe in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and promise of salvation to save us from sin and its consequences.

Shore up your weakest links and attend to the voice of your Creator. It’s your only safe space against deceptions in the enemy’s end game.