Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.
Psalms 106:43 NIV
In the recovery world there’s an appeal for all who have become hopeless in relapse: Keep coming back.
Drug and alcohol chemical dependency we have been told is a medical condition, not an issue of will easily recorded as sin. But despite what we’ve been told, people do recover and stay clean and sober. Likewise, there are others who relapse and fail on repeat.
This passage, while not originally penned about addiction, poignantly characterizes the struggle.
All of us fight urges to exercise evil options over better ones.
And honestly, in a meeting you’ll hear that the clear and verifiable truth that people can and do recover was perhaps the most powerful and driving motivation behind the lasting rescue and recovery of the next afflicted.
Personal stories and testimonies are central features of a recovery meeting.
God is the same throughout the human condition whether it’s dealing with an addiction or any other fallen state of man.
He says with open arms: keep coming back.
He is in the business of healing hurts, habits and hang-ups and millions can testify that it is 100% true.