One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 NIV
Count on me, lean on me, depend on me. So many songs about friendship, its expectations and its cost it’s hard to imagine life without one or two good people who gladly will have your six.
Then a test comes and you discover you’re just as alone as the day you came into this world.
What little trust you had in people is shattered in an instant.
Throughout history until very recently, the blood bonds of family were considered super glue and inescapably reliable.
As believers, we enjoy a new and literal blood bond with Jesus, a brother who has our six, three, nine, and twelve at times and places when misplaced loyalties and allegiances have burned us.
We need friends, but when the rubber meets the road, our only and truly reliable advocate is the one who came through for us and gave his life to save ours.