
Lately, I’ve been contemplating the widely differing requests made of God by 8 billion people every day and how each one is being answered or resolved

or for some, not at all.

For some, their faith is strengthened by answers they receive, others witness and experience undeniable happy miracles, and then there’s the rest of us,

still praying and asking why—

or worse—why not?

Perhaps like you, mine is again that ever troubling question of faith.

How much is too little?

How much is just not enough to capture the attention of a loving God whose very existence is to demonstrate care for those He loves?

Crazy questions, I know, and not laden with much faith at that.

But a man’s gotta ask what a man’s gotta know.

I’ve prayed in every position and place, with every praiseworthy ounce of my being for a particular answer or a miracle for which Faith itself has been my only consolation.

Whether the size of a mustard seed or the size of the mountains it can move, all faith in God is perfectly and precisely placed for access at His time, for His purposes, and at His will.

If we ever–or never–get the answers or miracles we still seek, our faith grows and endures nonetheless.

Many people will die in regret having believed that their purpose in life was merely to be happy when all along it was to be faithful.

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