dirty rugs.

Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.

‭‭Romans‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

If we’re to be entirely honest, the things that plague our consciences with harshest endurance are our recollections of harm to others done at times when we knew better.

Swept under the rugs of time, it may make the place look nice but accumulated wrongs block a truly clean conscience due to those dirty hidden secrets.

Rugs don’t cover up sins.

Take ownership and responsibility and present your dirt at the cross of Christ for the promise of complete freedom.

A cleared conscience weighs nothing on your shoulders and wastes no mental energy.

Get real. Time is too precious to waste on keeping dirty rugs.