check, recheck.

After a quick self-check, I realized how much I’m missing.

There are giant empty holes I’ve never been able to fill.

Social holes, mental acuities, physical abilities, so many key areas of my life that with the time I have left, will likely remain empty with me when I take a hike to heaven.

It worries me a little now because what if I need something more while I’m still here and I don’t have what it takes?

Then I remember David, the scrawny kid who singlehandedly dropped a giant.

God intervened on his behalf even when he was voted least likely to succeed.

Then I remember Jonah, three days in the whale’s belly with a stutter, worried if he could resume his prophetic ministry once he was spat out in Nineveh.

Then I remember Daniel, the certain lunch for a pride of hungry lions.

Then I remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abed Nego in the convection oven.

Then I came to the conclusion that when God calls us to accomplish, He also equips.

We are mistaken to believe we’ll ever enter heaven complete, for it is heaven that completes US.

After a quick re-check, I realize how much I have with a God who supplies all my needs when they’re needed.

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