More likely than not
today will be just another day
when we wake at different hours
and our redundant routines will
interact creating each other’s daily fate.
More likely than not,
today will be just another day
handing us much of what we want
and some of what we don’t
according to our emerging random mood.
More likely than not
today will be just another day.
through which time slowly passes
a gradual assessment and assigns a label
of good, bad or something equally myopic.
More likely than not
today will be just another day.
which retires our minds, bodies and souls
to tomorrow’s worries
which are, more likely than not,
going to be the same as yesterday’s.
And more likely than not
the day will arrive when we wager the next
on a random hope
that tomorrow is more likely than not.
And we will lose.
And more likely than not,
we will have expired the lesson
that each day is just another
and another, and another
for those with empty dreams and purposes
which inspire them to live like
today is just another day.